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Welcome to Year Five

Miss Hall

Mr Martin-Cortez

Miss Plumb

Miss Alder – Class Teacher

Miss Fletcher

Miss Mason

Spring Term 1

In Science this term, Year 5 have been looking at Forces. Our favourite experiment was investigating how we could improve James Bond’s car by testing it on different surfaces.
Our Geography topic this term was Rivers and Coasts. We have been using our map skills to find the major rivers in the world and label features of a river.
In English, we have been reading the book ‘A Story Like The Wind’. We have been writing poems about the refugee’s journey on the boat fleeing from their country.

Autumn Term 2

Our highlight in Year 5 this term was Space Camp. The children slept in space pods over night at school and participated in a night of space related activities. We learnt a lot about the constellations and planets in the Planetarium and used iPads to locate these at night. We presented all of our amazing facts and experience of Space Camp to our parents and careers during our class assembly. 

Autumn Term 1

In the Autumm Term, Year 5 have been busy working collaborative to solve their missions each week in Commando Joe’s. Our personal favourite was trying to build a successful, waterproof shelter.
In Music, we have started learning different notes on our Brass instruments. Our instruments range from trumpets, euphoniums and cornets. We have started to learn different pieces using our notes C,D, E and F.
In Science, we have been working scientifically. We explored osmosis through observing and measuring gummy bears in different solutions.

Year 5 Handbook

Leasowe Woods

Some highlights of our Autumn visits to Leasowe woods

Equipment Needed:

PE is on a Monday.  A PE kit should be left in school and can be taken home to be washed at the end of each half term. Indoor PE kit consists of; black shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt, pumps, socks. Black jogging bottoms may be brought in for the winter. All items should be named.

Children should bring in a named water bottle which they have access to in the classroom.

Children have been given a new reading folder and diary; this should be in school on a daily basis as volunteers may hear children read at any time.

Homework Days

As a guide children in Year 5 are expected to do 1 hour of homework a week.

Children must read at least three times a week and parents/carers are expected to record in the reading diary that you have heard them read. The diary is checked in school every Friday.

A home learning task is set every other Monday and children will be given 10 days to complete it.  The task is on a printed sheet which is stuck in the children’s home learning books.  Books must be returned to school on the given date for marking.

Year 5 will be set maths homework each week, given on Monday and due Friday.

Children have a spelling test every Friday. They will be given spellings in a yellow book, which must come back to school the following Friday to allow them to be given their new spellings.  Tests will take place in a red book which remains in school.

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