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Welcome to Year Four

Ms Rooney

Miss Hall – Class Teacher

Ms Connolly

Spring Term 1

This half term we have been looking at Eastern Europe as a topic and we had an amazing launch day! We did some outdoor classroom, dancing and some flag art. It was a great start to many exciting Geography lessons.
Year 4 have been looking at how electricity works this half term. We did some theory on the dangers and appliances that use electricity. Then we moved on to making our own circuits, we were able to light bulbs, move motors and power buzzers!
In Commando Joe’s we have been looking at Spartacus, a gladiator. We have been at gladiator school learning lots of teamwork skills and resilience.
 Our recorder learning has been going great! We even showed off our new skills to Year 2. We have been focusing on reading notes this half term and learnt 2 short songs by playing notes B,A and G.

Autumn Term 2

We have been focusing on grammar, spelling and punctuation. We have been sorting tenses recently to ensure we write in the correct tense all the way through our work. Our stone age day was amazing! We saw relics and dressed up. We had so much fun and learnt so much! In DT we made Stone age tool replica axes.  We did lots of research beforehand to find out how they made tools and what they used them for. Science this half term has been exciting. We learnt about states of matter and even made our own water cycle. We now know 3 states of matter and their properties.

Autumn Term 1

In English, Year 4 has been working from a book called Leon and the Place Between. We have produced amazing pieces of work, such as letters and our own magical stories, and even made a new page to go in the book! We have enjoyed the creativity element of this learning and have an even bigger bank of exciting adjectives to pull from now.
This half term we had the ‘Great Clapham Bake Off’ and everyone participated in Carl’s Kitchen. Everyone worked well as a team and tried their best to make unique and tasty biscuits. The finalists then blew everyone away with their incredible scones. Miss Hall and Mrs Hallam certainly enjoyed helping judge this competition!
Science has been incredible this half term! We have most certainly been working like scientists to carry out and record experiments. We can tell you all about liquid density, whether oranges sink or float, how to make butter, and what activities change our heart rate. We have been busy setting up these tests, observing, and then creating amazing pieces of work in our science books to show results and data.
In RE we have been looking at our worldviews and who influences them. We started off by identifying what kind of worldview we have; this was completely unique to us. The we identified who influences that. Some of us are influenced by family, friends, television, role models, and school but this is completely individual to each person. We all have heard about the diverse views in the class and all respected peoples differences and celebrated them for that.

Year 4 Harvest Video

Year 4 Handbook

Equipment needed:

PE is on a Tuesday and a Wednesday.  A PE kit should be left in school and can be taken home to be washed at the end of each half term. Indoor PE kit consists of; black shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt, pumps, socks. Black jogging bottoms may be brought in for the winter. All items should be named.

Children should bring in a named water bottle which they have access to in the classroom.

Children have been given a new reading folder and diary; this should be in school on a daily basis as volunteers may hear children read at any time.

Homework Days

Children must read at least three times a week and you are expected to record in the reading record that you have heard them read – this is checked in school every Friday.

A home learning task is set every other Monday and children will be given 10 days to complete it.  The task is on a printed sheet which is stuck in the children’s home learning books.  Books must be returned to school on the given date for marking.

The children will be set a maths homework every Friday.

Children have a spelling test every Friday, they will be given spellings in a yellow book which must come back to school the following Friday to allow them to be given their new spellings.  Tests will take place in a red book which remains in school.

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