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Welcome to Year Four

Mrs Phillips

Miss Hall – Class Teacher

Summer Term 1

In year 4 our new Topic has been Romans. We have been debating from Boudica’s perspective and trying to use persuasive features to encourage others to join the Celt army. We have also been looking at the science behind how the Roman arch works and why some Roman bridges are still standing and used today. We made trapezoids and created our own bridge and then painted them to give them detail.

Spring Term 2

Year 4 have had an amazing time this half term, we have had lots of exciting events going on. We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite characters and we completed an escape room in the library where we had to put our reading knowledge to the test!
We have moved onto measuring in maths and have had a blast measuring items and objects in the playground, someone even measured Miss Hall!
In DT we became bakers and made different types of bread. We enjoyed customising the recipe and making our signature loaf as well as designing and making a healthy pizza, yum!
Science week was very informative, and we learnt lots, Miss Hall was very impressed by all of the Science projects that came into Year 4. Our next topic in Science is all about animal habitats and so Year 4 visited a zoo and had an incredible time looking at the animals and learning about where they come from and what habitats they live in.

Spring Term 1

In Year 4 our History topic was Anglo Saxons and Vikings. We had an amazing topic launch day where we crafted shields, decoded runes and collaborated with Year 3. We have learnt so much about this topic and the home learning about this was done to such a high quality too. We have also been researching Clarice Cliff and making plates inspired by her designs. Her designs are very bright and sometimes unusual shapes or patterns, so we recreated that on our very own clay plate. Commando Jo’s has been amazing this half term! We are travelling along the Amazon river just like Ed Stafford did and the biggest skill we have used so far is teamwork. We have to work together to ensure everyone is able to cross the river, no matter what obstacles come our way.

Autumn Term 2

Year 4 have been very creative! Not only have we been singing with Warwickshire Sings and learning a range of exciting and catchy songs, but we also made our own collage inspired by what we can see outside our window. In Science we have been learning about states of matter and their particle properties. We did a few experiment including one where we had to shake up a bottle of fizzy pop and see what happens and why, it was very messy! Our Geography topic was all about the world we live in, and we now understand time zones and why some countries are just waking up when we go to sleep. You can ask us about why it is hot in Australia when it is Christmas time and we will tell you all about it.

Click on the link below to download our Harvest Assembly:


Autumn Term 1

Year 4 have started off the year with a blast. So far, we have had an Ancient Egyptian visit workshop where we looked at artefacts, wrote our names in hieroglyphs and turned Miss Hall into a mummy!

We have been performing poetry and even writing out own riddles and tongue twisters, they have been excellent.

Ricky’s dance was definitely a highlight of our time in Year 4 already! We had learnt a very fun chorography and performed into Mrs Ashcroft and Mrs Clarkson.

Year 4 has been amazing so far and we cannot wait to see what is coming up next!

Year 4 Handbook

Equipment needed:

PE is on a Tuesday and a Wednesday.  A PE kit should be left in school and can be taken home to be washed at the end of each half term. Indoor PE kit consists of; black shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt, pumps, socks. Black jogging bottoms may be brought in for the winter. All items should be named.

Children should bring in a named water bottle which they have access to in the classroom.

Children have been given a new reading folder and diary; this should be in school on a daily basis as volunteers may hear children read at any time.

Homework Days

Children must read at least three times a week and you are expected to record in the reading record that you have heard them read – this is checked in school every Friday.

A home learning task is set every other Monday and children will be given 10 days to complete it.  The task is on a printed sheet which is stuck in the children’s home learning books.  Books must be returned to school on the given date for marking.

The children will be set a maths homework every Friday.

Children have a spelling test every Friday, they will be given spellings in a yellow book which must come back to school the following Friday to allow them to be given their new spellings.  Tests will take place in a red book which remains in school.

Online prospectus
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