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Welcome to Year Three

Ms Rooney

Mrs Hallam – Class Teacher

Year 3 Class Assembly

Summer Term 1

This half term Year 3 has been having a lot of fun learning about the Romans and their impact on Britain. We looked at their roads, public baths and underfloor heating – and were very impressed by their mosaics, even having a go at making one ourselves.  We also wrote our own advert for a luxurious Roman villa for sale! In DT we made Roman arch bridges and also took part in a debate with year 4 to consider whether Boudicca was right to stir up a rebellion against the Romans. The theme continued in Commando Joe where we took on the roles of fearless Spartacus and other gladiators escaping to freedom.
In science we have been studying light sources, reflection, shadows and sun safety, which involved exciting investigations involving torches, prisms and mirrors.  Fractions were the main topic of our maths learning, but we also practised telling the time, including in roman numerals! PE saw us learning new moves in tennis, guided by professional coach, Luke. We all enjoyed developing our rallying skills and setting up mini matches.  Now we are looking forward to even more fun activities in the second half of the summer term.

Spring Term 2

This half term, year 3 has been busy learning about the human body and nutrition in Science; we have explored food packaging and investigated whether people with longer leg bones actually run faster! Our geography topic was all about the UK, and in English we have been focusing on punctuation,  grammar, and how to proofread our own work. In maths, we have focused on telling the time and improving our skills in answering word problems.
Our Easter assembly was a great success at St Mary’s church – we had lots of fun dressing up, learning the songs and acting out the Easter story. Another highlight was our trip to the Cotswolds Wildlife Park, where we spotted lots of our favourite animals and finished the day at the adventure playground. A big congratulations goes to our team of gymnasts who represented Clapham Terrace in the Warwickshire county finals, securing an amazing fifth place among 13 schools.

Spring Term 1

Year 3 have had a busy half term! We have been writing adverts, letters and stories all about heroes in English; learning how to design and bake our own bread in DT; use our multiplying and division skills in maths and carrying out fascinating investigations all about magnets and forces in science. It has also been an exciting time in our new Commando Joe missions, hiking through the Amazon and using our best teamwork and communication skills. History has been another highlight, getting to grips with vicious Vikings and awesome Anglo- Saxons! We also loved our special art day focusing on the pop art of Roy Lichtenstein, our Global Goals Day and learning our winning gymnastics routine in PE.

Autumn Term 2

Year 3 have had an amazing half term researching maps of the earth, analysing rocks and fossils in science and making fantastic landscape collages in Art. We also enjoyed describing marine scenes and inventing backstories from found shoreline objects. In PE we practised our balances and enjoyed dodgeball and house events. Our arithmetic skills have come on in leaps and bounds too ! It has been a busy time in the run up to Christmas, making decorations, going to the panto and having a visit from Santa! All the children have really shown their creativity and persistence in this, their first term in Key Stage 2. We look forward to seeing them blossom as independent and active learners in the Spring term.

Autumn Term 1

Year 3 have been having a fantastic half term learning all about ancient Egyptian life,  how to work scientifically, how to create poetry of their own to perform and lots of facts about numbers to 1000, not to mention improving their swimming skills. They are a creative, collaborative class of children who show amazing inventiveness and originality in their ideas. They often seek out challenge and work extremely hard at their learning.


Year 3 Handbook

Equipment needed in Year 3:

PE is on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. A PE kit should be left in school and can be taken home to be washed at the end of each half term. Indoor PE kit consists of; black shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt, pumps, socks. Black jogging bottoms may be brought in for the winter. All items should be named.

Children should bring in a named water bottle which they have access to in the classroom.

Children have been given a new reading folder and diary; this should be in school on a daily basis as volunteers may hear children read at any time.

Homework Days

Children must read at least three times a week and you are expected to record in the reading record that you have heard them read – this is checked in school every Friday.

A home learning task is set every other Monday and children will be given 10 days to complete it.  The task is on a printed sheet which is stuck in the children’s home learning books.  Books must be returned to school on the given date for marking.

Maths homework is set every Friday and marked in class the following Friday.

Children have a spelling test every Friday, they will be given spellings in a yellow book which must come back to school the following Friday to allow them to be given their new spellings.  Tests will take place in a red book which remains in school.

Online prospectus
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