How to Get in touch

Welcome to Year 2

Miss Hall

Mr Mason – Class Teacher

Miss Fletcher

Miss Mason

Summer Term 1

This half term Year 2 have been all over the place! We visited the travel and transport museum in Coventry and listened to many lectures, discovering new vehicles and discovering new information. We also completed an excellent Science experiment discovering germs and how they are passed to each other. In maths, we have been focussing on drawing graphs and tables with our peers and collecting data! What a busy half term.

Spring Term 2

This half term Year 2 have been extremely busy! We have been completing weekly Commando Joe’s sessions and working on our collaborative, resilient and creative skills. We have been completing many writes in our English book, including about a beautiful rainbow crow and some writing ideas for British Science Week. Finally, we completed our outstanding class assembly all about Science with some lucky parent volunteers.

Spring Term 1

What have Year 2 not done this half term?! From elephants to Commando Joe’s through the Victorian times, art days, house competitions and many more fun activities. As a class we are constantly improving and trying our very best, the team have been proud of the children’s progress as they have ventured through so many topics and subjects. Well done Year 2.

Autumn Term 2

A half term to remember for Year 2. We have been studying the United Kingdom in topic, discovering Materials in Science and adventuring outdoors for our Outdoor Classroom Phonics. While improving map skills, Year 2 have been active learners and also acting their way to an outstanding Nativity performance! We have worked on our resilience while completing our dragon hand puppets and studied hard on fairy tales, times tables, number bonds, shapes and story writing.

Click on the link below to download our amazing KS1 Christmas Performance:


Autumn Term 1

This half term Year 2 have been incredibly busy. We have been exploring castles, actively learning and even dancing with Ricky. During our trip to Warwick Castle, we learnt what it really means to be a knight as we unpicked the history between the castle walls. After this, we managed to see a real life birds of prey show during our lunchbreak and enjoyed every moment of them soaring and swooping between our class. Within school, we have been completing topics such as Thinking Scientifically, Place Value in Maths and writing our own poetry in English. It has been amazing to focus on famous book characters such as Zog and Isadora Moon. We cannot wait for more adventures and learning on the build up to Christmas after half term.

Year 2 Handbook

Equipment needed in class:

Reading record and colour-banded reading book in their book bag.

PE Kit when required – indoor PE kit consists of; black shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt, pumps, socks. Black jogging bottoms may be brought in for the winter. All items should be named. PE is on a Monday and Thursday.

A named water bottle containing water only.


Monday – fortnightly Home Learning project in for the following Thursday.

Friday – the children have a spelling test every Friday.  They must have their yellow books in school on a Friday to receive their new spelling for the following week.  We recommend children use the look, say, cover, spell, check method to practise these.

They will have a maths homework every Friday, which needs to be completed for the following week.

Reading – children are expected to read at least 3 times a week with a parent or carer.

How to help your child

We ask you to support your child by hearing them read their individual levelled reading books at home. We would appreciate it if parents could sign and make a comment in the reading diaries at least three times a week. Helpers may also hear your child read their individual reading book in school, so it is important that this book is brought to school every day. Books are changed in school every week.

Online prospectus
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