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Welcome to Year 2

Miss Plumb

Miss Hall

Mrs Goddard

Mr Mason – Class Teacher

Miss Fletcher

Spring Term 1

This half term we have been focusing on times tables, working with our local community and researching animals and their habitats. We have used so many applications to complete our learning and we are also making amazing progress with our recorders!

Autumn Term 2

Year 2 have been on an excellent learning journey this half term! We have produced a nativity to be remembered and also completed so many arts and craft activities. Year 2 have completed many Commando Joe missions, understood shape in maths and began to write with stamina! We will come back ready for another half term of fun!

Autumn Term 1

This half term Year 2 have been enjoying Commando Joes, many Science experiments and discovering facts about their new Geography topic, Madagascar and London! We have worked on our collaboration skills, building our resilience and working actively inside and outside of the classroom. It has been a fantastic beginning to the year of which we will all continue to build on.

Year 2 Handbook

Equipment needed in class:

Reading record and colour-banded reading book in their book bag.

PE Kit when required – indoor PE kit consists of; black shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt, pumps, socks. Black jogging bottoms may be brought in for the winter. All items should be named. PE is on a Monday and Thursday.

A named water bottle containing water only.


Monday – fortnightly Home Learning project in for the following Thursday.

Friday – the children have a spelling test every Friday.  They must have their yellow books in school on a Friday to receive their new spelling for the following week.  We recommend children use the look, say, cover, spell, check method to practise these.

They will have a maths homework every Friday, which needs to be completed for the following week.

Reading – children are expected to read at least 3 times a week with a parent or carer.

How to help your child

We ask you to support your child by hearing them read their individual levelled reading books at home. We would appreciate it if parents could sign and make a comment in the reading diaries at least three times a week. Helpers may also hear your child read their individual reading book in school, so it is important that this book is brought to school every day. Books are changed in school every week.

Online prospectus
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