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Welcome to Year One

Miss Sutton

Mrs Batchelor – Class Teacher

Miss Fletcher

Spring Term 1 

This half term we have been learning about our local community. We started by going for a walk in our local area and learning the names of the different types of buildings. In Maths we’ve been exploring numbers to 20 and practising our addition and subtraction skills. We loved taking part in NSPCC maths day. We’ve also been drawing ourselves in the style of Picasso, reading books about animals and singing new songs. Our class assembly was a particular highlight and the teachers were very impressed with how confident we were. 

Autumn Term 2 

The Year One children have fully settled into Key Stage One thrones now and are showing themselves to be very enthusiastic and resilient learners. Highlights have included our trip to Warwick Castle, the Smeds and the Smoos at Warwick Arts Centre and collaborating with Year 2 on our amazing Nativity. We’ve been busy in the kitchen making all sorts of party foods and learning about balanced and healthy choices. In Maths we’ve been adding and subtracting. In English we’ve enjoyed reading On Sudden Hill and exploring the themes of friendship within. Our History topic has been the Great Fire of London and we’ve enjoyed creating timelines and learning lots of great facts about this significant historic event. In the Spring we’ll be learning about and exploring our local community.

Autumn Term 1

We have had very busy and successful start to Year 1. Reading Paddington stories was a particular highlight. Inspired by these stories, we decided to make marmalade sandwiches and practice writing instructions. We invited our parents in to do this with us. In Maths we have been consolidating and building fluency with numbers to 10 and 20. Science has involved lots of practical learning as we’ve explored materials and their properties. In Geography we’ve learnt about London and Madagascar. 

Year 1 Handbook

Equipment needed in class:

Reading record and colour-banded reading book in their book bag.

PE is on a Monday and Wednesday. A PE kit should be left in school and can be taken home to be washed at the end of each half term. Indoor PE kit consists of; black shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt, pumps, socks. Black jogging bottoms may be brought in for the winter. All items should be named.

A named water bottle containing water only.


Monday – fortnightly Home Learning project in for the following Thursday.

Friday – the children have a spelling test every Friday (starting after Christmas).  They must have their yellow books in school on a Friday to receive their new spelling for the following week.  We recommend children use the look, say, cover, spell, check method to practise these.

Reading – children are expected to read at least 3 times a week with a parent or carer.



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