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Welcome to Year One

Mrs Agnihotri

Mrs Batchelor – Class Teacher

Miss Sutton

Mrs Rathore

Summer Term 1

This half term Year 1 have been learning about travel and transport. We have made shoe box cars with axles, wheels, chassis and a simple mechanism. We also enjoyed a trip to the transport museum where we saw lots of old vehicles and the amazing land speed record cars. At the museum we took part in a workshop about Victorian bicycles and tested out scooters with different wheels. In our science lessons we have enjoyed being outside identifying and classifying plants. Maths has been all about groups and fractions as we get ready to learn our  times tables. In English we have been reading stories by Oliver Jeffers and writing our own stories too. All in all we’ve had a very busy and successful term.

Spring Term 2

We have had a very busy term in Year 1. We enjoyed a walk around our local area and have completed lots of mapwork. In English we’ve been reading The Whisperer and What’s the Time Mr Wolf and enjoyed developing our story telling skills. Our Monster Phonics lessons are continuing and we’ve enjoyed playing lots of phonics games. In Maths we’ve been working on numbers to 100 and using rulers. Another highlight was the super science fair. We are looking forward to learning about travel and transport in the Summer term.

Year One Open Session

Download a video from our recent Open Session.

Spring Term 1

It has been a very busy and successful term in Year 1. We enjoyed practising and performing an assembly to our parent’s carers and the rest of the school. In the assembly we sang a monster phonics song, acted out a story and shared our science learning. We have completed lots of Commando Joe’s missions included transporting water and cakes across London and building carriages and beefeater hats. We have enjoyed reading lots of books but our main focus has been on Bog Baby. In maths we’ve been adding and subtracting within 20. Other highlights have included playing Victorian games, making Victorian toys, cooking, a senses walk and starting home spellings! We now all have Monster Phonics spelling logs and our own log ins to Spelling shed.

Class Assembly

Download a video from our recent Class Assembly.

Autumn Term 2

It has been another busy term in Year 1. We started the term with a surprising discovery, dragon eggs in the book corner! We so inspired by this that we decided to learn more about them. We read and wrote stories and poems about dragons and even designed and made our own dragon puppets. We enjoyed sewing the pieces together and then using special glue to add features. Soon it was time to get ready for Christmas and we all enjoyed performing with year 2 in our Nativity. We ended the term with a fabulous trip to Warwick Arts Centre to watch the Gruffalo.

Click on the link below to see the children having lots of fun on Break the Rules day!!


Click on the link below to download our amazing KS1 Christmas Performance:


Autumn Term 1

Year 1 have enjoyed a busy and productive start to the new academic year.

We enjoyed a trip to Warwick Castle to learn about its history and the people who lived and worked there.

We also met Zog and enjoyed watching the Zog show.

Year 1 enjoyed making jam tarts and selling them to our parents and carers to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support.


Year 1 Handbook

Equipment needed in class:

Reading record and colour-banded reading book in their book bag.

PE is on a Monday and Wednesday. A PE kit should be left in school and can be taken home to be washed at the end of each half term. Indoor PE kit consists of; black shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt, pumps, socks. Black jogging bottoms may be brought in for the winter. All items should be named.

A named water bottle containing water only.


Monday – fortnightly Home Learning project in for the following Thursday.

Friday – the children have a spelling test every Friday (starting after Christmas).  They must have their yellow books in school on a Friday to receive their new spelling for the following week.  We recommend children use the look, say, cover, spell, check method to practise these.

Reading – children are expected to read at least 3 times a week with a parent or carer.



Online prospectus
View or download our prospectus