How to Get in touch

Welcome to Early Years

Mrs Clarke – Class Teacher
Mrs Smith
Mrs Powell
Mrs Holberton
Miss Hall
Miss Duff

Summer Term 1

We have been learning about ‘Marvellous Minibeasts!’ Our trip to Brandon Marsh was a wonderful day out and saw us pond dipping, bug hunting and bird feed making!  We have continued to enjoy Commando Joe sessions, all of us using skills of collaboration, persistence and creativity this half term. Our investigative skills have developed as we have searched for insects in our garden and we can now compare and contrast a wide range of creatures without hurting them.


Spring Term 2

This half term we have been even more busy than usual! From Commando Joe, to creative Home Learning, to Banksy, Mother’s Day, an incredible array of science projects, to Art Day with Mr Brettell  and then Easter Egg bingo in our final open session! WOW …


Spring Term 1

What an exciting half term Early Years have enjoyed. Our teamwork and collaboration skills are growing through the new Commando Joe sessions. Our Global Goals Day saw us engaged in international ‘travel’! We are very proud of our Slovakian representatives.

In science we have been investigation ice. We researched, predicted and eventually picked the ice up.


Pancake Day!!

Early years had a fun and exciting morning, pancake races with our parents and carers.

Autumn Term 2

Through our two learning topics, ‘Our Brilliant Bodies’ and ‘Festivals and Celebrations’, Early Years had a wonderful Autumn term!  We learned indoors and outdoors and applied ourselves to lots of exciting experiences with our new friends!  We enjoyed several trips out of school, learned from two visiting professional dancers, cooked in Carl’s Kitchen, performed to extremely enthusiastic audiences and contributed to our House team sporting events!  Our first year in school has been a resounding success!

Click on the link below to download our amazing Diwali dancing:


Click on the link below to see our naughty visitor to Early Years!!


Autumn Term 1

What a fabulous start our new Early Years cohort have enjoyed!  We are investigating the resources, playing collaboratively with our new friends every day, demonstrating growing persistence and resilience.  We have completed a Marathon Kids running session daily and have already experienced our first dancing morning with Ricky, a professional dance instructor.  Our parents and carers have attended Reading Workshops to learn more about Monster Phonics and our reading provision.

Early Years Handbook

Online prospectus
View or download our prospectus