How to Get in touch

Welcome to Year 6

Ms Connolly

Mr Filby – Class Teacher

Miss Plumb

Summer Term 1

Year 6 have had a really busy term.  They have shown incredible resilience and determination to perform their best in SATs, while also developing creativity and independence skills in Art, History and Commando Joes. They pushed themselves during the Clapham’s Fun Run and in Science, learnt many new scientific terms linked to Light.

Spring Term 2

Year 6 have had a busy half term with a focus on ‘Sustainability’ in Geography topic and ‘Living things and their habitats’ in Science. These have been closely linked as we have discovered environmental impacts and how living things are effected. We have also learnt how to classify scientifically and really enjoyed the Science Day activities and Science Fair. In addition, we have enjoyed more Commando Joe challenges and an art project using collage techniques and recycled materials. We have visited the Children’s Forest at Leasowe Farm and enjoyed World Book Day activities including an Escape Room. In English and Maths, we have been consolidating our learning. Finally, the Computing lessons have focussed on Artificial Intelligence including experiencing an AI Day with a visitor from Warwick School Foundation.

Spring Term 1

This half term, Year 6 have enjoyed discovering the ancient civilisation of the Maya including producing amazing home learning projects. They have created their own online safety stories to share with other pupils as part of our whole-school Safer Internet Day 2024. In Science, they have developed knowledge and understanding about our bodies and how to live a healthy lifestyle. They also enjoyed a visit to Campion School to watch their performance of Oliver Twist. Also, they had a brilliant Art Day inspired by Edvard Munch. Finally, they have thoroughly enjoyed completing Commando Joe missions.

Autumn Term 2

This half term, Year 6 have enjoyed discovering our geographical features of our locality including an informative walk. This included spotting local landmarks, completing a traffic survey and interviewing visitors. In addition, they have scientifically researched about inheritance and the theory of evolution. In PE, they developed badminton skills. They finished the term with a fantastic performance of Christmas carols to the whole school and families.

Autumn Term 1

In Year 6, we have been investigating electricity in our Science lessons. The children have learnt the scientific symbols for their diagrams, investigated circuit components and planned their own enquiries. In addition, we have visited St John’s Museum in Warwick as part of our Victorians topic in History.

Year 6 Handbook

Equipment needed:

PE is on a Tuesday and Thursday.  A PE kit should be left in school and can be taken home to be washed at the end of each half term. Indoor PE kit consists of; black shorts, a white t-shirt or polo shirt, pumps, socks. Black jogging bottoms may be brought in for the winter. All items should be named.

Children should bring in a water bottle which they have access to in the classroom.

Children have been given a new reading folder and diary; this should be in school on a daily basis as volunteers may hear children read at any time.

Homework Days

In Year 6, it is essential that children complete homework tasks to support their learning in class and to prepare them for secondary school.

Monday – fortnightly home learning project in for the following Thursday.

Thursday – numeracy tasks will be set from the children’s own CPG books and will be marked in class on the following Thursday.

Friday – weekly SPaG Homework.

Friday – the children have a spelling test every Friday.  They MUST have their yellow books in school on a Friday to receive their new spelling for the following week.

Reading – children are expected to read at least 3 times a week at home. Please record any reading in their reading diary.

Online prospectus
View or download our prospectus