How to Get in touch


Our SPLAT art committee organise our art festivals in conjunction with Warwick University and two other local schools. Everyone on the SPLAT committee has a role (e.g. marketing, accounting). SPLAT 2 took place in Jephson Gardens in July 2019 and was a fantastic event.

Our art committee promote art across the school in assembly. They judge competitions and plan fundraising events to enable us to secure enough funding to ensure the festivals are a success.

Our Art Ambassadors

Working out the festival finances
Festival planning in Jephson Gardens
Mother's Day gift fundraising

Art Committee Podcasts 2021/22

To find out more about our Art Committee at Clapham, follow the link to our recent Podcast, 2021/22 Episode 4 Clapham Terrace Primary School Art Committee Podcast.

Art Ambassadors

Download our latest video where we talk about what being an Art Ambassador is all about.