Science Ambassadors
This year we are going for gold! Science leaders will be involved in our brand new vision and principle documents as well as inputting into bigger events online and at home, stay tuned to see what they can produce!
This year we are going for gold! Science leaders will be involved in our brand new vision and principle documents as well as inputting into bigger events online and at home, stay tuned to see what they can produce!
Download our latest video where we talk about what being a Science Ambassador is all about.
Unicorn have won our #basketball house event. 🦄🔵 #sports #Active
Year 4 are working towards a common goal by communicating with a team. Each group is trying to make the funniest looking potato for a competition we will hold later. #jigsaw #pshe #teamwork #communication @JigsawEduGroup
Year 2 are on @TTRockStars practicing their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. #maths #learning #persistence
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