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Ofsted say:

‘Pupils’ behaviour is excellent in lessons, in assemblies, and out on the playground.’ – Ofsted 2021

‘Pupils and their parents say they are lucky to be part of Clapham Terrace, which is a thriving community in both name and nature.’

‘Leaders, including governors, are ambitions for all pupils. They have established an inclusive culture and a broad curriculum that provides lots of exciting opportunities.’

‘Children make an excellent start in Early Years.’

Parents say:

“Clapham has lovely teachers; they are very welcoming to children and parents.  It’s a very calm and safe environment, children love coming to school and enjoy being here.”

“I have two children at the school.  All the way through the last 4 years I have found that the teachers are really helpful, caring and understand the children as individuals.  Progress is excellent both in Year 2 and Reception, which is where my children are now.”

“I really enjoy the open sessions – it makes me feel included in my child’s learning.”

“Clapham Terrace is a fantastically welcoming school and we can’t believe how much our child has developed in the first 4 months that she has spent in Reception.”

“Both of my children attend Clapham.  I have a child in Year 6 and one in Reception.  Both equally love school and all of the teachers who have helped them on their journey.”

“My son was slightly behind in his talking and writing when he joined Clapham.  BUT, the teachers and teaching assistants have worked tirelessly with him to bring him out of his shell and up to speed.  They are amazing and dedicated.”

“Clapham Terrace has provided my son with a brilliant start to school.  He is thoroughly engaged, loves school and has made progress in a very short period.”

“I have been so impressed in our first few months in so many things.  The quality of teaching is fantastic in Reception.  A great blend of fun, routine, and structure with encouragement of independence and lots of space for creativity.  The parent and school partnership is clearly held as a priority.  As a parent with a child in school for the first time I feel informed, engaged and aware of my child’s progress at all times.  This is greatly appreciated and builds my trust.”

“I love the way all the different year groups interact with each other and help each other out.  Everyone mixes together and it’s lovey to see.”

Children say:

“I like maths because it’s fun. I like playing number games outside; sometimes I write the numbers in chalk. I can count to 100 and do 100 star jumps!”

“I love yoga … the giraffe pose is best. It makes me happy!”

“I like Clapham because it’s inclusive – everyone gets a go and we explore the curriculum in interesting ways.”

“I have friends in other years – everyone knows everyone.”

“There are so many different activities going on – sports events, Victorian Day, trips to the theatre and art galleries, dance events, cooking, the talent show, space camp, a Year 6 residential – loads!”

“I did my own learning, counting people with my friend. The counting was really tricky, but I was happy because I could do it all by myself.”






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