How to Get in touch

Online Office

We know that there is a lot of information to absorb and sometimes the bits of paper that come home are difficult to keep track of, so we’ve collected a few of them here for you to access when you  need them.  If there is any additional information that you feel it would be helpful to have access to here then please let us know.


Letting us know if your child is unable to come to school: there may be times when your child has to miss school because they are ill. On these occasions, please call the school absence line (01926 423404) between 8.00 am & 9.10 am.  Please leave your child’s name, year group and reason for absence.

If no absence is reported, the school will contact parents/carers to ascertain why your child is not in school.

Medical appointments: Please try to make doctor and dentist appointments after school hours or in school holidays wherever possible. We appreciate that this may not always be possible.

Exceptional circumstances: If you need to take your child out of school under exceptional circumstances such as bereavement or for religious reasons, please contact the school immediately.

Home School Agreements:

To download copies of the current Home School Agreements please click on each link below:-

School Closure:

If the school has to close due to bad weather or any other emergency we inform parents by our text messaging service and also by updating the school website.

If the school is closed due to snow we also contact the local radio station Coventry and Warwickshire who will broadcast school closures.

The information is also provided to the Local Authority and updates are available at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/schoolclosures.

Online prospectus
View or download our prospectus