Food and drink
School dinners
Dinner’s currently cost £2.45 per meal, £12.25 a week.
From April, school dinners will increase by 20p per meal from £2.45 to £2.65 (£13.25 per week). This increase is implemented by Educaterers who provide our school meals and reflects the increased cost of food and wages.
We ask parents/carers to pay in advance for school dinners which can be done via School Money. Please speak to the office if you require any assistance.
There is a jacket potato option available every day and a small salad bar. The following week’s menu is always included on the weekly newsletter for easy reference.
Lunch Time Arrangements
If your child is vegetarian or has special dietary requirements they must be registered as such with school, to enable them to have the vegetarian or a special meal. A copy of the menu is available from the school office.
Packed Lunch
Alternatively children can bring a packed lunch in a named lunch box. Children are asked to take home their leftover food so that you are aware of what they have eaten (not including opened yogurt pots or unfinished drink cartons – so you will need to ask them if they finished these items). Please provide a plastic or metal spoon if your child requires one to eat part of their lunch – school is unable to provide cutlery for pupils having packed lunches.
Nut and sesame free school
There are children in our school who have severe nut and sesame allergies (including peanuts) and could react to any contact with nut products simply by touching the hand of a child who has eaten nuts. For this reason, no food produce containing nuts or sesames are permitted in school.
School Milk
You can register to receive free school milk for your child if they are under 5 and you can pay for older children to receive milk in school on the Cool Milk website.
Tuck Shop
Children can purchase snacks from our Snack Shack Tuck Shop that is open on a Wednesday during first playtime. Items cost 50p and include veggie sticks, poporn and dried fruit.
Snack Shack Video