How to Get in touch


Prospective parents are always welcome to talk to the Headteacher and/or look around our school.  If you would like to make an appointment please contact the school office on 01926 423404.

Our Published Admission Number is 30 places.

Admissions Policy

To download a copy of our Admissions Policy please click here

Applying for a place in Reception in September 2023

Parents and carers must apply for a school place through their Local Authority (the county where you live).

The Local Authority handles all our admissions.  The policy followed is a Local Authority policy.

Our admissions Authority is Warwickshire.

Applications through Warwickshire County Council can be made online at


Closing date for on time applications is 15th January 2023.

National Offer Day for applicants is 17th April 2023.

Applying for a place in Secondary School

The deadline to apply for a Secondary School places for September 2023 has now passed.

National Offer Day for applicants was on the 1st March 2023.

For further information please check online at


Secondary School Guide and Information

Download a guide to help you apply for a place at Secondary School.

You can contact the School Admission Service directly:

Saltisford Office Park,
Ansell Way,
CV34 4UL

Website:  http://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/admissions

Email:  admissions@warwickshire.gov.uk

Telephone: 01926 414143

Applying for a place at Clapham Terrace Community Primary School when changing school

If you are a Warwickshire resident and wish to apply for a place at a Warwickshire School then you should apply through Warwickshire Admissions.

If you live outside Warwickshire, but wish to make an application for a place at a Warwickshire school, please contact your home authority (to whom you pay your Council Tax) to discuss the application process.  You may then need to apply using the Warwickshire Change of School Application Form.

Applying for a place in our Nursery

Clapham Terrace Community Primary School and Nursery has a 26 place nursery based in school.  Applications are made directly to school.

The responsibility for determining admissions for nursery age children lies with the Governing Body of Clapham Terrace Community Primary School and Nursery.

Children will be admitted to nursery the term after their third birthday.

The agreed criteria for admission to the nursery are:

  • Children living in the catchment area.
  • Children who have a brother or sister at the school at their time of admission.
  • The age of the child from the oldest age band first.

Parents make their applications directly to the school via an application form; a hard copy is available from the school office.

Children’s names are placed on reserve lists in strict order of the criteria, not according to the date of application.  If a place becomes available, the nursery will contact the parents of the child whose name is first on the reserve list.  Reserve lists are not waiting lists; a new request from another parent for a child’s name to be placed on a reserve list can result in other children being moved further down the list if this child has a higher priority for a place according to the admission criteria.

Parents are given two weeks to accept the offer.  After this time, if no acceptance is received or the offer is declined, the place will become vacant and it will be offered to the next child in priority order.  This process will continue until all places are full or all children on the ‘Reserve List’ have been offered places.

If there are still sessions available after the September intake for the 15 hours entitlement, new intake requests for nursery sessions will be considered using the criteria.

Nursery Admissions Policy

Download a copy of our Nursery Admissions Policy

Online prospectus
View or download our prospectus