How to Get in touch

Academy Stakeholder Consultation

The Governors of Clapham Terrace Primary School and Nursery wish to consult on the proposal that Clapham Terrace School converts from a local authority maintained school to Academy Status, and takes up membership of the proposed Warwick Schools Foundation (WSF) Multi-Academy Trust (MAT).

The stakeholder consultation letter gives a full explanation of the background, reasoning and processes. Please click here to read this in full.

The Governors of the School would like to hear the views, comments and ideas of all members of the Clapham Terrace community in respect of this. These responses will feed into the Academisation and Multi Academy Trust proposal and be considered by the Governing Body as they make their final decision.

As part of the consultation process, we are committed to providing information, answering questions and recording feedback in order to help us understand the opinions of the school community including children, parents or carers and staff, as well as members of the wider community.

Further to the first consultation meeting held on the 29th April 2024 please see a second letter from our Governors here. The FAQ document below has also been updated to reflect any questions received during this consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know you may have a good deal of questions regarding the plans and have compiled a Frequently Asked Questions document that will hopefully answer many of these. The FAQ’s can be accessed by clicking here.


There is also a questionnaire, accessed here, which will allow you to feedback your thoughts.

Open meetings

We would also like to invite you to come along to one of our Academy information and consultation meetings which will be held on:

29th April 2024 at 5pm


8th May 2024 at 9am

Both meetings will be held at:

Clapham Terrace School, Clapham Terrace, Leamington Spa CV31 1HZ

Questionnaire responses must be received by the end of the consultation period at 5pm on June 4th 2024.