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Well done to all the children who submitted science projects this year. The standard was amazing! These children will represent Clapham Terrace at Warwick University Science Fair next week.
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Holly, Jacob, Ami and Christopher represented Clapham Terrace at the final of the Celebration of Reading challenge at Lillington Library.  The children gave a presentation on their class book, The Matchbox Diary and then took part in a quiz.  They did extremely well and came 
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Our Mothers Day lunch was a really special occasion.  Thank you to all the mums, carers, grannies and aunties who came along, our fantastic cooks for a lovely meal and to our staff for serving it! “What a wonderful occasion! It was well organised and we really appreciated 
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After a fantastic interactive assembly from staff at Campion School, the children did a series of experiments in different classes, including investigating insulation, testing durability and staging volcano eruptions! Then they presented their science projects to their peers, teachers, parents and carers and the judges.
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Years 1 and 2 showcased their amazing art work to their parents and carers
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