Subject Leader: Sarah Batchelor
Link Governor: John O’Maoleoin
At Clapham Terrace, we believe that every child should have access to a stimulating and creative English curriculum. We aim to give every child the best possible opportunities to become a confident and literate global citizen. To do this, we believe every child must develop a love of reading to support their writing and language skills. That is why reading is at the heart of our school. We have a wonderful library that is regularly used by everyone and rich stimulating texts that have been clearly planned and selected, as well as enjoyable class books that we read each day. We believe that children need to have regular and meaningful opportunities to write. Therefore, we ensure that all our subjects support our children to develop and embed their understanding of spelling, punctuation, grammar, vocabulary and in becoming creative.
Reading is embedded within the whole school curriculum and takes place in all lessons, as well as through class story time. High quality texts are used as a stimulus to develop speaking and listening, reading and writing skills. In addition, children take part in whole class daily reading lessons where they read and respond to a variety of text types.
We are committed to enabling children to become motivated and independent readers. We ensure that children are encouraged to read a range of genres every year; this includes class novels, books linked to topics, free reading books and guided reading texts. While children are learning to read, we teach using Monster Phonics and books that are matched to their phonics stage and later onto a reading book band match to their level. Once children are confident readers, they move onto carefully selected free reading books.