How to Get in touch

Home School Association (HSA)

Hello and welcome! We hope that you will enjoy keeping up to date with all the latest events and news about fundraising at our school.

About us

The HSA is Clapham Terrace’s name for the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).


Download the latest copy of the school Newsletter.

Join in the fun

We are always pleased to find new parents who would like to know more, as we are a friendly bunch and really want an accessible and inclusive HSA.

Whatever the amount of time you could give or maybe any particular skills you have to offer, please don’t hesitate to find out more. Have a chat to your class rep or a committee member, or check out our HSA news,and Get involved  pages.

How your money is spent

Enrichment Activities – visiting artists and dance
Class Donations – help to reduce the cost of trips
Panto help – to reduce the cost of Christmas theatre trips
Big Projects – Carl’s Kitchen was funded by your donations.
Next big project – Music Space

Key People

Chair:  Sarah Russell

Secretary: Rolling

Treasurer: Claire Finch, with support from Sam Fox

Class Reps 2023/24

Early Years: Kate Taylor and Lucy Bellingham

Year 1:        Holly Denoon

Year 2:       Sarah Batchelor and Abbie Randal

Year 3:       Amanda Raine and Charlotte Fear

Year 4:       Sarah Russell and Sherry

Year 5:       Helen Fawcett and Nou Clarkson

Year 6:      Gemma Coward and Rebecca Hollande

Online prospectus
View or download our prospectus