Subject Leader: Caroline Ashcroft
Link Governor: Mike Leigh
Geography: Statement of Intent
Throughout their time at Clapham Terrace, the children will develop their knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality.
From EYFS through to year 6 the children develop a sense of their community, through local area walks and visits to places such as the Cotswold Wildlife Park.
The children are continually furthering their knowledge about the wider world, supported by the use maps, globes, atlases and ICT in their work. They have many opportunities to create their own maps and conduct surveys, which further their learning. The school grounds and Leamington town centre are used for practical field–work, exploring human ad physical features.
To support their learning and ensure progression is made, the children are given knowledge organisers, which they take home. These organisers share their learning outcomes for the topic and include facts and subject specific vocabulary the children will be using. These are given out at the start of a new topic. To begin our new topic we have a launch activity such as a house quiz or a skills session. We then celebrate our close of topic with an exciting activity, such as a trip. We also plan day visits to further enhance learning for example, the children visit Jephson Gardens, Birmingham City Centre and the Sea Life Centre.
We have an annual residential trip for the Year 6 – recent visits include North Wales and Dorset. This trip provides exciting opportunities for the children to develop and embed skills such as map reading and place knowledge.