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Our Winning Netball Team

Congratulations to our Clapham Terrace netball team who beat 24 teams across Warwickshire to win the whole tournament!!

Heads Up 28th February 2025

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Year 5 and 6 River Walk

Clapham boys Football team

On Monday our Boys Football team took part in a tournament at St Nicholas Park in Warwick. Another fantastic result with the boys victorious in both games: 2 – 0 and 9 – 0!

Clapham Choir

On Thursday evening our choir attended a Gala Concert at Butterworth Hall, Warwick Arts Centre, organised by Warwick School Foundation. The children all performed fantastically alongside Warwick Schools, Westgate Primary School, Evergreen and Exhall Grange. It was a pleasure to watch them and we are 

Warwick Castle

This week our Year 1 class visited Warwick Castle where they undertook a workshop on castle life and explored the very cold and frosty castle grounds.    

Year 5 Space Camp

Year 5 had a great time at Space Camp. First up was tent inspections followed by the planetarium and then some time to find the constellations.    

Children’s Forest

Another group of Year 5 children enjoyed a trip to the Children’s Forest.

Children in Need

Thank you to our wonderful JLT, everyone loved the scavenger hunt for Children in Need. We and had lots of donations from the children as well as wearing yellow or spots!

World War 2 Day

This week year 5 and 6 were transported back to WW2 and experienced being an evacuee, learned about the significant leaders of the time, learnt a dance sequence, made rationing rock cakes and discovered an air raid shelter. Its was lots of fun!