To view term dates at a glance, please click here
You can view all key dates and events on the calendar below or as a list by changing the “View as” options.
Cake Sale
Cake sale in the playground after school to raise money for year 6 leavers hoodies.
Half Term Holiday
School is closed for the Half Term Holidays
Teacher Training Day
School is closed for Teacher Training Day
Children back to school
Children return to school after Half Term
Bikeability Day 1
Year 5 and 6 Bikabiliity. Day 1 of 4
Year 6 Swimming
Year 6 swimming at Newbold Commyn
Bikeability day 2
Year 5 and 6 Bikabiliity. Day 2 of 4
Indian Restaurant Experience
Years 1 and 2 - in school. More information to follow
Induction Evening for September Reception intake
Information session for parents and carers of children joining our reception class in September