To view term dates at a glance, please click here
You can view all key dates and events on the calendar below or as a list by changing the “View as” options.
Year specific event
EYFS Open Sesssion
Parents and carers are welcome to join our Early Years to share their learning
Year 6 SATS
SATS week
Year 2 SATS weeks
Year 2 SATS tests
Year 6 start swimming
6 week swimming course starts
Year 5 Leasome Farm trip
Year 5 will be visiting Leasome Farm
Year 4 Class Assembly
Year 4 will be leading our assembly and sharing their learning with parents, carers and the school
Bikeability Day 1
Year 5 and 6 Bikabiliity. Day 1 of 4
Year 6 Swimming
Year 6 swimming at Newbold Commyn
Bikeability day 2
Year 5 and 6 Bikabiliity. Day 2 of 4
Indian Restaurant Experience
Years 1 and 2 - in school. More information to follow