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Early Years

Early Years Leader: Lisa Clarke

Link Governor: Dan Johnston

Curriculum Intent

Our Early Years curriculum is broad, balanced and ambitious providing our children with the foundations to become successful learners. It provides the children with the crucial skills required to establish the types of learners and future citizens we wish to develop in order to engage with our community.

‘Children make an excellent start in early years.’ – Ofsted 2021

We place much importance on developing a strong partnership with our families and local community to support the children to grow as individuals and develop key skills such as confidence, independence, creativity and collaboration.  It is our intention that whilst the curriculum will be distinctive to each cohort, it will enable our children to become lifelong resilient learners.

‘Staff and parents work very well together to make sure that children are supported at home.’ – Ofsted 2021

We will build on this cohort’s positive experiences with books and storytelling by providing opportunities for children to access a wide range of texts and read across the curriculum within our provision.  We will have a clear focus on developing breadth in language and communication by promoting a language rich ethos and environment which gives our children reasons and a desire to talk with confidence.

‘There is a clear and deliberate focus on vocabulary in all areas of learning.’ – Ofsted 2021

We will strive to use the outside environment as a key feature of our curriculum and it is an expectation that all children will be physically active.  We recognise that fine motor development relies on children having well developed gross motor strength and to this end we actively encourage our children to build their strength, stamina, balance, co-ordination and dexterity.

The curriculum is planned with our Key Outcomes in mind and with the purpose of promoting excitement and creativity. Within this the opportunity for children to work in different groups and extend relationships will be considered. Staff will plan learning activities matched to the children’s individual development and to help further and deepen children’s knowledge of the world around them, building awareness of the local community and their place within it.

It is also important for us that learning is genuinely purposeful.  To achieve this, our curriculum design is structured around projects with a specific outcome.  We know that children learn and develop well in enabling environments and so we will offer stimulating resources, rich learning opportunities through play and teaching, support and challenge for all. These include having opportunities to get messy and take calculated risks.

‘The curriculum is well planned and carefully sequenced to develop children’s knowledge and ability to learn.’ – Ofsted 2021

We intend to prepare children to reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundation Stage and ensure they make good progress from their starting points. We will support our children through their transition into Key Stage 1 and their journey at Clapham Terrace.  Our vision is that children will leave with the skills to be confident, successful and independent life-long learners with a thirst to be the best they can be.