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Jubilee street party picnic lunch enjoyed by the whole school.
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KS2 have had the opportunity to take part in Lynda McCartney’s Cook School this week. They have developed their basic cooking skills and had a  fantastic time eating Vegetarian Mini Pies using the free recipe kits supplied by the Cook School.  
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Morrisons have kindly donated packets of Cornflower seeds. Children will plant them as part of their outdoor learning and hopefully we will have a bed of beautiful blue cornflowers before we break up for Summer.
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This week the children took part in a Poetry Slam, as a surprise the staff re-enacted the Pied Piper to keep all the naughty rats under control!
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Clapham have been joined today by poet and rap artist BREIS  – Great fun had by all!
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Wednesday was a great day this week, the energy across the school was simply amazing as the children enjoyed their Rock Kidz workshops delivering a message of resilience and persistence.
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What an ‘eggcellent’ event! Thank you to parents and carers for donating so many lovely eggs, and to the HSA for their help. The children really enjoyed it.
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The speed bounce competition was great fun. Thank you to the parents and carers who joined in too. Very impressive!
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Here are Early Years, limbering up for our house running event. Phoenix were the winners! Thank you to Mr. Mason and the Sports Leaders for organising a fantastic day.
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