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Clapham Terrace has just been awarded the Association for PE National Quality Mark with DISTINCTION! Thank you to Miss O’Kelly, our PE and sports co-ordinator, our Sports Leaders, staff and of course the children. What an amazing achievement.
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What an amazing community event! Clapham Samba Band, Fit2Dance, Dad’s Band, stalls, games, BBQ, raffle… Thank you to our fabulous HSA for organising the event, to parents, staff and children for helping to set up and to parents, carers, relatives and the community for supporting 
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We had a fantastic lunch with Dads, Grandads and Uncles today. Thank you to our cooks for the delicious meal and to staff for helping to serve.
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Look at our fantastic new trim trail in the playground. The children really enjoy using it and are improving their balance and coordination. Thank you to the HSA for helping to fund it.
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Everybody really enjoyed their Mother’s Day Lunch. Thank you to all the Mums, Aunties and Grannies who came along.  The food was delicious!
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Once again our incredible parents, grandparents and carers, staff and of course our pupils have rallied to support our latest project… We are so grateful to you all!
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We are pleased to announce that Clapham Terrace has achieved the Fair Workload Charter Mark, showing that as a school, we are committed to managing the workload of our staff in an effective way, engaging and motivating them and ensuring that they are happy in 
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We had an amazing opening to our Key Stage 2 art exhibition at East Lodge, with over 200 people attending! Thank you to our Town Mayor of Royal Leamington Spa, Councillor Heather Calver who formally opened the exhibition, to Lynne Gougeon, the artist who helped 
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Year 3 really enjoyed creating their mixed media, 3D arial landscape paintings! Come and see the children’s work from February 6th  – March 3rd 2019.
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Year 4’s ‘Up Close and Urban’ photography project, looking at subject, compostion and editing. Come and see the children’s work from February 6th  – March 3rd 2019.
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