On Wednesday, our KS1 gymnastics team competed against 15 other schools at the Leamington & Warwick Gymnastic Club. They performed a floor and an apparatus routine. They came first and will represent Central Warwickshire at the County Finals in Solihull at the end of March.
Children have been working with Lynne Gougeon, a local artist, to produce paintings for an art exhibition at Warwick School in February. We have been very impressed by the quality of their work!
We have delivered our ‘hibernating hedgehogs’ to our friends around school. We will return in spring to collect the nests. Mr Mason is very impressed with our scientific knowledge, use of accurate vocabulary and enthusiasm!
Thank you to our wonderful JLT, Year 4 just loved the scavenger hunt for Children in Need and we had lots of donations from the children as well as wearing yellow or spots! #childreninneed #donation #scavengerhunt
Today in our Commando Joe session we recalled the story of .
‘What the Ladybird Heard’. In our teams we ‘flew’ around the farmyard to round up the animals earning points for our teams. We were active and collaborative learners who communicated with each other effectively!