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Pupil Premium

At Clapham, a less than average proportion of pupils are eligible for receiving additional pupil premium spending.

The spending of this additional budget is significant in achieving the aims of the school and nothing within this report sits in isolation of all the other monitoring and evaluation work that we conduct.

We monitor the use of pupil premium carefully.

The governing body of the school are aware of their responsibility in monitoring the way the pupil premium is spent and challenging the leadership of the school to ensure it is spent in a way that maximises impact in narrowing the attainment gap.

There is a named governor, Phil Robbins, for pupil premium who meets regularly with the headteacher.  A strategy group of key governors and members of the SMT meet termly to review progress against the action plan.   The findings are fed back to the governing body as a whole.

The governing body and leadership team are also aware that Ofsted, HMI and other external agencies will check on the effectiveness of pupil premium spend as part of their inspection framework.


Pupil premium is allocated to school according to budget years (e.g. April to April). The estimated allocation for 2023/2024 is £60,390.00


Pupil Premium 2022-2025

To download a copy of the Pupil Premium 2022-2025 strategey please click here

2021/2022 Pupil Premium Expenditure and Action Plan

To download a copy of the Pupil Premium Expenditure and Action Plan please click here

2020/2021 Pupil Premium Expenditure and Action Plan

To download a copy of the Pupil Premium Expenditure and Action Plan please click here

2019/2020 Pupil Premium Expenditure and Action Plan

To download a copy of the Pupil Premium Expenditure and Action Plan please click here

2018/2019 Evaluated Pupil Premium Expenditure and Action Plan

To download a copy of the Evaluated Pupil Premium Expenditure and Action Plan please click here








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